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来源:文艺生活 【在线投稿】 栏目:综合新闻 时间:2020-08-05
摘要:把“算了吧”换成“试一试吧”,那些美好的,珍贵的,存在想象里的,都换成行动努力去试一试吧。 Change \"forget it\" to \"have a try\". Those beautiful, precious and imaginary things are all changed i


Change \"forget it\" to \"have a try\". Those beautiful, precious and imaginary things are all changed into actions and try hard to have a try.




Every day seems to be in a hurry, but seriously think about it, it seems that nothing has been done.

I can't get up early, I can't see the sun rising, I can't notice the sun setting. Time seems to be stolen, and I can't stop walking all day.

Until I go to bed, I blame myself for my inaction today, and then I will repeat it again and again tomorrow morning.


Some people think that eating instant noodles is very happy, some people think eating instant noodles is very unfortunate. There are probably two kinds of people in the world.


Life is very often like this, according to a double speed tone to do double or even many times of things, or fast forward to leave the mark of confusion.


When you meet an old man in rags on the roadside, you always feel sad. You always want to accompany your parents when they are old. However, your rental house can only hold one person, and the salary you have saved for ten years is even enough to buy ten square meters.


At first, I thought that it would be a wonderful thing to work hard and do a big job. But I gradually found that confidence will be polished by reality unconsciously. Life is actually trivial, romantic and not perfect. Sure enough, everything goes smoothly is just a noun. I can't really do it.


Since everyone is floating in the sea of people, we have to accept that some people suddenly drown.



Think of the words that my friend comforted me before: \"this is just an episode of your week.\"

Indeed, every time something happens and I can't live now, I feel that I will never get through it. Once I come out, I can understand that many things are not worthy of being marked by life. At most, they can only be called the ridge of a month, the worry of a week or the mood of a day.


The time wasted now will be paid back in the future. Other people are trying to memorize words, test all kinds of certificates, learn new skills, and are busy improving themselves. You will only lie at home watching plays and playing games, which is pure waste.



文章来源:《文艺生活》 网址: http://www.wyshzzs.cn/zonghexinwen/2020/0805/484.html


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